
Front-end engineer, developer advocate, educator, and podcaster. 39 years old, based in Berlin, Germany.

Get in touch: [email protected] or Telegram


I’m a front-end developer in love with the Web, browsers, bicycles, and podcasting.

⚙️ Front-end. I’m a self-taught developer, building Web interfaces since 2003. I have deep knowledge of the Web platform, browsers, and standards. I have strong UI-building skills and knowledge, including UI patterns, accessibility, and typography. I have experience configuring simple Web servers, CI/CD pipelines, building Jamstack projects, and debugging loading performance issues. I’ve been catching up on the modern SPA front-end stack for the last year.

🦄 DevRel. I represented the Opera browser for the Russian community for 7.5 years and built the Web Standards front-end community in Russia. Over ten years, I organized 42 non-commercial Web Standards Days conferences. I helped thousands of students to learn front-end in HTML Academy. I helped to launch the open-source Doka community project.

I’m a co-host and producer of the Web Standards weekly front-end podcast and a Google Developer Expert. I have a personal blog and a YouTube channel.


  1. Journalism at St. Petersburg State University, 2001–2006
  2. Informative style and text editing course by Maxim Ilyakhov, 2012
  3. Typography and layout course by Igor Shtang, 2014



Doka is a community-driven open-source Web platform documentation for Russian-speaking front-end developers, supported by the Yandex Practicum education platform. It’s based on GitHub and uses a crowdsourcing model where everybody can contribute, like MDN or Wikipedia. I came to the project as a team lead and chief editor to shape the idea, build an editorial team, and launch the project. After a year of work, it was successfully launched in October 2021 and became an essential part of the front-end community.


I joined the DevRel team at Opera Software in 2009 as a developer advocate to represent the browser in the Russian developer community. I worked in a distributed remote team for 7.5 years on multiple projects, including writing documentation and demos, publishing articles, improving browser compatibility, bringing Opera news into the developer community and bringing feedback to the company. I gave countless talks, took part in press tours, organized conferences and meetups, worked with Opera Software partners, and built the Dev.Opera website.

Web Standards

I’m a founder of Web Standards, the first and most influential Russian-speaking front-end community. It’s been around for 17 years and is famous for the Web Standards Days conference, daily news, original and translated articles, front-end dictionary, events calendar, and most of all, for the Web Standards weekly podcast on-air since 2016.


I’m a founder of the St. Petersburg PiterCSS community that’s been running monthly front-end pitercss_meetups for three years since 2016. In 2017 and 2018, I co-organized pitercss_conf, the first English-speaking developer conference in Russia, see videos.

Public speaking